
The Infidel

Souviens-toi, il y a quelques mois je te parlais d’un film que j’ai vu en test screening: The Infidel. Et bien figure-toi qu’il sort aujourd’hui.

Si tu habites chez les grands-Bretons, cours-y vite, c’est hilarant.

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Loving husband and father, Mahmud is a salt of the earth East End Muslim cabbie. Until he discovers that he’s adopted… and Jewish… Written by David Baddiel and starring Omid Djalili, two of the UK’s premiere comic talents.


7 réponses »

  1. Je viens de voir le film et c’etait super marrant, j’ai vraiment peter de rire en le matant.

    If you speak English and you like comedy movies , you got no excuses not to watch it. If you don’t yet speak English, well, once again you’re missing out on something….

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